Learn how to make really delectable chutney from a wide variety of fruits, nuts and vegetables.
Sample flavours include: pear and walnut, spiced apple, roasted peach and preserved lemon.
As always, a selection of chutneys will be available to try before you make.
Learn the traditional slow-cook pan method, and make a batch of preserved lemons while you keep a watching brief on the cooking process.
It takes time and good preparation to produce a really top-quality chutney, but the effort is well worth it!
As always, you take every jar you make home with you.
Course details:
- Tasting session
- Principles of chutney making, balancing vinegar and sugar as preservatives
- Preparation of ingredients and hands-on making
- Potting, labelling and storage
All recipes, ingredients and equipment are supplied.
Lashings of complimentary coffee/tea/cake
Course details:
Courses run on Wednesdays throughout the year, for up to four people at a time.
Morning sessions:10am-12.30pm
Afternoon sessions: 2pm-4.30pm
Cost: £70.00pp
To book, simply email me your preferred course date and start time.