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Come and spend a lovely Christmassy day making luxurious little gifts:


  • Five plump mini Christmas cakes, fed with brandy and beautifully decorated using marzipan, glazed fruit & nuts, fondant and royal icing.

  • A bottle of silky-smooth Irish cream Liqueur. You will never buy another bottle once you've made your own.

  • A jar or two of succulent, boozy mincemeat. Just right for the Christmas Season (or to store in your pantry for six months).


It's all about taste, presentation and style.


Sadly, not a course for teetotallers! 


Course outline:


-Tasting session

-Full instruction, demonstration and hands-on cake-baking and mincemeat-making.

-How to make a liqueur.

-Cake decorating techniques exemplified.

-Decorating & presenting your wares as gifts.


All recipes, ingredients and equipment are supplied.


Delicious light lunch.


Complimentary coffee/tea/seasonal nibbles


Course dates:


Available from Thursday 12th December by arrangement.


Start Time: 10am

Finish Time: approx. 3.30pm

Cost: £140 pp


Not sure about this combination of gifts? Just substitute in your favourite things - truffles, biscotti, lemon curd, Christmas chutney.....send me your wish-list!

food jam chutney jellies jelly curd curds cider pickles sloe gin cordials preserves cooking courses teaching teacher 

Sarah Goring - Well Preserved Courses

©2016 by Well Preserved Courses. Proudly created with Buffy Thompson Photography

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